Unique Care

Your health is our top priority! We believe in personalized medicine and spend time withe our patients to ensure they are educated, empowered, and cared for in their health journey. We provide digestive health care for those with acute & chronic gut symptoms including detailed workups, gut microbiome testing, and a natural or alternative perspective on chronic conditions. During all of our visits natural treatments will be discussed, but your doctor can also prescribe antibiotics and other medications, order bloodwork or imaging, and refer when necessary based on your unique situation.

Digestive Health

  • Digestive health is foundational to our whole body health, including our mood, hormonal balance, immune system status, and metabolic health. Naturopathic physicians are especially well equipped to address digestive imbalances of all kinds. We conduct detailed interviews and comprehensive lab testing to uncover causes of your digestive symptoms, and develop integrative treatment plans to address any imbalances. Testing can including comprehensive stool analysis, breath testing, blood work, and food sensitivity analysis, when appropriate.

  • Dr. Taylor is a specialist in the field of Naturopathic Gastroenterology licensed in WA, OR, and CA (*insurance coverage and fees may vary). Dr Taylor trains resident physicians at Neighborhood Naturopathic to diagnose and treat many complex digestive conditions, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Fungal overgrowth or “Candida”, GERD and LPR, Gastroparesis, Chronic Constipation, unexplained abdominal pain, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Microscopic Colitis, and much more. Dr. Taylor and her team utilize the latest research and best practices to get at the root of what is causing your digestive symptoms, and step through a comprehensive treatment protocol to get to a happier gut and healthier you!

  • To learn more about the details of Dr. Taylor’s practice and how you can work with her visit megantaylornd.com or schedule a visit via link below.

  • If you have an urgent concern, please call our office to be seen the same day.

Urgent Concerns

Do you have urgent concerns or requests?

Please visit our Urgent Concerns & Requests page linked below to learn more about how our clinic can help you with acute care, pediatric concerns, and prescription refills and for information on where you can find help after hours.